Omega EdgeWeld.
The Omega laser welding machines now offer a new option to fuse weld the jacket edges on Single Embossed Pillow Plates with the Omega EdgeWeld. This is achieved by utilizing an edge scanner while laser welding.
The Omega EdgeWeld offers several advantages:
Better hygiene due to elimination of crevices, in which contaminants could collect and grow bacteria
Easier cleaning and pickle passivation without staining
Contaminants from the pickling and passivation process cannot collect which prevents potential corrosion
Manual labor to fuse weld jacket edges is something of the past, this will result in lower labor costs which will save money
The Omega EdgeWeld improves the aesthetics of the final product
Would you like to learn more about the advantages and possibilities of the Omega EdgeWeld? Feel free to contact our Engineers for a custom solution.